Thursday, 20 November 2014


The 1 year old "Mammy,Daddys odd"
Me - "what did you say?"
The 1 year old- "Daddy is odd"

Fog horns

The 3 year old " Mammy,if we had a fog horn then we could tell all the fog to go away"

Missing Daddy

The 3 year old - "Mammy when will daddy be home?"
Me - "aww,do you miss him?"
The 3 year old - "no mammy,I miss ipad."

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Emergency Instructions

Today D [5 and a half years old] wrote an emergency page, to be used in case of attack by criminal elements. You might find it useful for your own emergencies involving robbers breaking into your house and stealing your things:

Emergency Instructions (by D, age 5 ½)

  1. First, punch the robber in the face. (Uncle Niall must be so proud of the influence he's having on my darling children ;-)   ) 
  2. Tell Mammy
  3. Take back the things the robber stole
  4. Mammy will ring the police
  5. The police will come and take the robber to jail.
 Seems completely reasonable to me.

Thursday, 6 November 2014


Me: "Caoimhe, what are your superpowers?"
Caoimhe: "I can make everybody love me."

She may have a point:)

Monday, 3 November 2014

Sisterly Love...

"AAGGHHHH,I hate my sister.
Mammy..Why do I hate my sister all the time except when she is gone, then I miss her?"