Sunday, 13 November 2022

First born child...

 S (youngest child, 8 y/o): The first born child in the family is the smartest. D (eldest) is very smart.

Mother: You know Daddy was the first born in his family.

S (immediately concerned that her assumption might have a flaw, but recovers well) : Ah, so that's why he has the best Dad jokes.

Monday, 24 October 2022

Big litres

While shopping...

Mammy: Get 8 litres of milk, please.

C: (11 y/o): Do you want big litres, or small litres?

Monday, 22 August 2022

Continuous Improvement...

To truly experience the meaning of arrogance, perhaps one should experience the arrogance of an 11 year old, speaking to her 8 year old sister.

C (11 y/o): S, S, let me show you how to be better.

Aside: My children know about this website, and are often entertained by the quotations I record here, and so they have started collecting quotations for the site themselves. I found this posted on our kitchen noticeboard, with a request that it be added to the site.

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Worst Siún

On greeting my youngest child this morning...

Me: Good morning, my best Siún!

S: (8 y/o): I'm not your best Siún. I'm your WORST Siún!

That's me told, I guess... it's going to be a long day

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Kindness and suffering

 Just regular dinner table conversation with S, the 8 year old...

S (8 y/o): Daddy, I hope you die some day...

  ... because I don't want you to suffer.

Sunday, 24 April 2022

Girls and boys

 "Boys go to school to get more cool!

Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider!"

-- The considered opinion of my 8 y/o son, shouted unprompted for all to hear.

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Phone charger physics...

My 7 year old is very smart, and sometimes I clearly fail to understand the the difference between being nice to her, and over explaining things. Her knowledge is wide-ranging and thorough, and my wife and I are glad that while she wants to be a surgeon in the future, she has agreed she may benefit some form of medical training before operating on actual people, and not - as she claimed previously - know enough already from YouTube.

Me: I have plugged my phone in, but if you need the charger for your tablet, you can just unplug my phone.

S ((7 y/o): I know Daddy. I know physics!

Monday, 10 January 2022

The Magical Food Press...

Being the gourmet cordon-bleu chef that I am, I have an oven tray of fish fingers laid out, and am waiting for the oven to reach cooking temperature before I put them in. S is clearly hungry and impatient. 

S (7-years old): Daddy, are you going to put the fish fingers in the fish finger press, where they belong?

Me: ??? Do you mean, the oven?

S: Yes.

P.S. We shall henceforth be referring to the oven as the "fish finger press."

P.P.S. For non-Irish readers, in an Irish kitchen, a press is a cupboard. I don't know why.